
Showing posts from April, 2017

How I taught myself Hangul in 90 minutes

I honestly think I want to live in Korea one day. I don't know if I'll stay there forever, but I've become more and more interested in living in a foreign country for a while now. Yes, I watch Korean dramas and no that's not what made me want to live there. I'm fully aware that it's all scripted. Although K-Dramas are what got me interested in learning how to speak Korean.  I want to travel and explore and do cool shit. That's my life goal. I want to be happy. (As many of us do.) I don't want my anxieties and fears to rule my life and make me regret missing out on amazing opportunities. I want to feel like I've really lived. If this is my only chance in this world, as messed up and broken as it is, I want to make it count. Tangent aside, I feel like learning the language of a place I want to live, no matter the duration, is a pretty good decision if I plan on adapting well. I've also been wanting to learn a second language...